REACH, ROHS, SVHC conformity for products and responsible handling of chemicals
Manufacturers of chemical substances or mixtures are responsible for ensuring that their products are registered with ECHA and that the necessary data and information are provided to support their safe use. We attach great importance to compliance with current regulations and ordinances.
Our products are subject to the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) and Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS). These regulations set out requirements for the manufacture, use and disposal of chemical substances and products.
REACH REACH is a European Union regulation that governs the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). The regulation applies to all companies that manufacture, import or place chemicals on the market.
IBS Scherer GmbH has made all necessary registrations and fulfills all requirements of the regulation. We provide our customers with safety data sheets (SDS) for all our products. These contain information on the chemical substances used, including their hazards and safety measures.
RoHS The RoHS Directive prohibits the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The directive applies to all appliances placed on the market in the European Union after July 1, 2006. IBS Scherer GmbH fulfills all requirements of the RoHS Directive.
SVHC stands for “Substances of Very High Concern”. These are chemicals that pose a particular risk to human health or the environment. IBS Scherer GmbH is aware of the risks of SVHC substances. Our products do not contain any SVHC substances in a concentration of more than 0.1 percent by mass.
Safety data sheets
IBS Scherer GmbH provides its customers with safety data sheets (SDS) for all our products. The SDSs contain information on the chemical substances used, including their hazards and safety measures, as well as information on the above-mentioned information in relation to the currently applicable legislation.
Safety data sheets are important documents that must be observed for the safe handling and use of chemicals. Among other things, they contain the following information:
- Designation of the product
- Hazard symbols and warnings
- First aid measures
- Fire-fighting measures
- Handling and storage conditions
- Exposure limit values
- Toxicological information
- Environmental information
Current safety data sheets (available for all countries) and further information on the fulfillment of our REACH, RoHS and SVHC conformity requirements are available on request. Please contact our customer service or use our online contact form.