THE Thorough
Adapted for use in all standard floor cleaning machines. Effective when used in high-pressure/steam jet cleaning processes. Best cleaning results also when wiping.
- Best results with low concentration
- Does not foam – including defoamer
- Anti-slip effect: with anti-slip effect
- ESD certified – also suitable for ESD floor coverings/ESD protection zones (no negative influence on resistance value) (with ESD certification)
- Dries streak-free
- Demulsifying and separator-friendly – suitable for oil separators
- Free from phosphates and phosphonates
- silicone-free
- Environmentally friendly and user-friendly, surfactants readily biodegradable (according to OECD criteria) > Sustainable alternative to hazardous substances
Removes tire rubber abrasion, heavy oil and grease soiling, stubborn deposits, with anti-slip effect and ESD certification. – discover more in the video!