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Lubricants are essential for the smooth and long-lasting operation of machines and devices. They reduce friction, wear and tear and thus contribute to increasing efficiency and productivity. Regular lubrication means that machines, devices and all moving parts can be operated longer and more efficiently.

There are a variety of different lubricants that differ in their composition and application. Choosing the right lubricant depends on a number of factors, including the type of application, the load on the moving parts and the environmental conditions.

IBS offers you a wide range of lubricants with its maintenance sprays:

  • Multifunctional oil in industrial quality
  • Chain and rope spray
  • Adhesive gel as grease lubricant and lubricant
  • High-quality PTFE multi-purpose oil

All IBS sprays recommended for lubrication applications contain special high-quality components that reliably ensure long-term lubrication, even at high pressure.

Proper lubrication is essential for the smooth and long-lasting operation of machines and devices. With its maintenance sprays, IBS offers you a wide selection of lubricants for every application.

Produkt enthält: 6

Produkt enthält: 6

Technical Sprays

IBS-Chain-Spray VivaLub

Produkt enthält: 6

15,60 6,76  / Liter

Produkt enthält: 1 Liter